The latest News regarding Futura Capital and the Current Future Capital Group of Companies, together with Past Projects is provided below.
Sandfire Resources America Inc. (previously named Tintina Resources Inc. ), a past project of Futura, announces a positive ruling for the Company by the Montana Supreme Court upholding a 2023 District Court decision regarding the water rights related to Tintina Montana Inc.’s Mine Operating Permit, of the Black Butte Copper Project.
The Black Butte Project project was generated, orchestrated and financed through Tintina Resources Inc. a company started by Raj Chowdhry while Raj was the CEO and Co-Chairman of Tintina, with Futura providing management to the company.
On January 2, 2025, Sandfire announced the positive ruling by the Montana Supreme Court providing the positive ruling by the Montana Supreme Court which reversed a 2021 district court decision and instructed the District Judge to have the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (MT DEQ) to completely reinstate Tintina Montana Inc.’s Mine Operating Permit, of the Black Butte Copper Project.
Sandfire Resources America Inc. (previously named Tintina Resources Inc. ), a past project of Futura, receives positive ruling from Montana Supreme Court for Mine Operating Permit.
The Black Butte Project project was generated, orchestrated and financed through Tintina Resources Inc. a company started by Raj Chowdhry while Raj was the CEO and Co-Chairman of Tintina, with Futura providing management to the company ,
On February 26, 2024, Sandfire announced the positive ruling by the Montana Supreme Court which reversed a 2021 district court decision and instructed the District Judge to have the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (MT DEQ) to completely reinstate Tintina Montana Inc.’s Mine Operating Permit, of the Black Butte Copper Project.
Option Agreement to Acquire Advanced Potash Project in Ethiopia Terminated
Futura Capital Limited's option agreement dated April 18, 2023 (the "Option Agreement" exercisable for a period of 180 days (expiring on October 15, 2023) for the acquisition of an advanced Potash project in Ethiopia lapsed, and terminated on October 15, 2023.
Pursuant to the Option Agreement Futura intended to bring the advanced Potash project into production (the “Transaction”) through a reverse take-over (“RTO”) of a listed company (“Assigned Pub-Co”) on a Canadian Stock Exchange (“Stock Exchange”) and complete an initial US$ 50 Million financing (the “Financing). The execution and completion of the Option Agreement would have resulted in the current shareholders of the Potash project receiving shares of the Assigned-Pub-Co (the “Assigned-Pub-Co-Vend-In Shares”), giving the Assigned-Pub-Co a 100% ownership and control of the Project.
Futura is continuing to seek out and review other mineral projects in Ethiopia. in the mining sector; with the expiration, and termination of the above noted Option Agreement.